Logo De Rioloog

Wonewei 11 - 3360 Bierbeek




The Rioloog specializes in resolving blockages in all kinds of drainage systems and sewers.

Are you experiencing issues with your drainage? Our experienced unclogger is ready to assist you quickly and efficiently with all types of blockage problems.

Professional unclogging


At our unclogging service, we go beyond just addressing the current blockage. We aim for sustainable solutions to prevent future problems. The Rioloog provides advice on preventive measures you can take, such as regular maintenance, avoiding grease disposal, and using filters to catch large objects.


Causes of blockages 


Blockages can have various causes, and we understand that each situation is unique. Here are just a few common culprits our unclogger deals with daily:


  • Accumulated grease in the drain
  • Leaves and debris blocking rain gutters
  • Roots causing pipe damage
  • Lime scale disrupting water flow
  • Moist wipes causing significant buildup
  • Food remnants accumulating


What you can do


To prevent blockages, it’s important to take a few simple precautions:


  • Avoid flushing wet wipes
  • Refrain from disposing of food scraps down the drain
  • Do not pour animal fats down the drain


Emergency unclogging service


We understand that blockages can be urgent and disruptive. That’s why we offer a fast and reliable service, minimizing disruptions to your daily activities.

For unclogging services, feel free to contact us at 0472 94 78 28, send an email to info@derioloog.be, or submit an online request. Let our unclogging service help you get rid of your blockage troubles.

We guarantee quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in the regions of Flemish Brabant, Brussels, Antwerp, Wallonia, and Limburg.

Lets Get In Touch

Do you have questions or want to make an appointment? Call us, email us or send a message using the form.


Wonewei 11 - 3360 Bierbeek